Capstone Music News and Articles

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Capstone Music News and Articles2022-09-12T16:49:39+00:00

Live from Burlington…the latest Capstone Music News & Articles!

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Our music centre is where it’s at lessons and group music programs. Here you’ll find the latest Capstone Music news and articles on all kinds of topics. From why music lessons are great for your child’s mental and phsyical development to how to choose the right musical instrument for your child!

2106, 2024

National Indigenous Peoples day 2024

Celebrating the Musical Contributions of Indigenous Peoples from Canada Indigenous peoples in Canada have a rich and profound musical heritage that has greatly influenced [...]

National Indigenous Peoples day 2024

Celebrating the Musical Contributions of Indigenous Peoples from Canada Indigenous peoples in Canada have a rich and profound musical heritage that has greatly influenced the nation's cultural landscape. Their music is not only a [...]

  • Motivated Teens Playing Learning Music

How to Stay Motivated in Music Lessons

Learning to play a musical instrument or improving your vocal skills is a journey filled with excitement, challenges, and immense rewards. However, staying motivated throughout your music lessons can sometimes be a daunting task. Whether [...]

  • Burlington Music School Readers Choice Award Winner Best Music Lessons and Teachers

Readers Choice Winners – Dominating for 18 Years!

CATEGORY WINS Kids Activities Music Instruction  Overall Service - Professional Services EMPLOYEE WINNERS Amber Kakiishiway in Piano Teacher Chelsea Reynolds in Piano Teacher Corey Brouwer in Guitar Teacher Corinne DeJong in Piano Teacher Eric Trimmer in Guitar Teacher Eric [...]

  • Summer Student Playing Music

Benefits of Summer Music Lessons

With summer break nearly upon us, you might be thinking about how you can possibly keep your kids entertained for the next 2 months. While there are no doubt fun activities you can do throughout [...]

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