During the summer it’s easy to forget about indoor activities with all of the fun things to do outside! Playing at the park, swimming in a backyard pool, taking family vacations and going camping are naturally going to take priority over the more serious parts of day to day life. And when you only have 2 months a year with the kids out of school, it’s only normal to focus on having fun together!

But as we get ready for summer to wind down, we get excited about things we miss – like playing our favourite instrument! Although many enjoy summer music camps, formal lessons are often resumed in September.

Resuming music lessons after a fun filled summer is a great way to come back re-energized and ready to smash some progress goals. It’s also a great time to try out a new instrument!

Fall is the perfect time to try something new!

Maybe the kids have been playing piano for a few years and are showing some resistance to getting started again this fall. Or maybe you’re so comfortable playing your guitar, that you’d like to try your hand at the drums or a ukulele. Fall is an excellent time to make that shift and keep your music lessons interesting.

When school starts and we finally notice the leaves changing for fall, it seems like a day later it’s already winter. Music lessons are a great way to keep the happy memories and feelings of summer flowing all year round. They can also help your kids manage some of the stresses of school by helping them work on something they love, instead of just focusing on ‘boring’ schoolwork all year. Music has also been shown to help improve academic skills, which is always a good thing!

Contact us nowto get your pick of the schedule. If you’re in the Burlington area, we’ve now 2 locations! Ask about Burlington North or South for your music lessons!

We all know how it goes… Summer is so relaxing with no schedule to keep and so much fun to be had that fall seems to creep up out of nowhere. Before you know it all of your days are booked with extra curriculars and school sports, and your nights are spent doing homework and preparing for the next day. Reach out to us as soon as you can to set up a regular practice time so that your music lessons don’t take a backseat to other fall activities! This also helps ensure that we are available to offer lessons when it makes the most sense for you.

Back to school shopping should include shopping for music lessons!

As school shopping gets underway this summer, don’t forget to include contacting us at Capstone Music on your list of things to do! With our brand new second location, we’re positioned to help you and your kids continue that love of music, no matter where you are located or how busy your schedule is.

From young kids who have never touched an instrument before to seasoned musicians looking to further their practice or try something new, we have a class for you!