While it’s easy to see the benefits of musicand playing an instrument in kids and adults, it might be a it more difficult to realize that music has some serious benefits for babies, too! From helping to build motor function to teaching the basics of language, music is more than just a great way for parents to bond with their babies.

A studyout of McMaster University even showed that babies under 1 who attended music classes with their parents ended up smiling more often, were able to communicate better, and showed more advanced brain responses to music.So clearly, music has great value for kids of all ages!

Interested in music lessons for your baby? Well, if you’re in Burlington then we’ve got the program for your baby!

Benefits of music classes for babies

Hands on music classesexpose babies to a number of activities that help them to grow and develop.Here are several reasons why you should be considering joining a music class with your baby:

Teaches fine motor skills

Having the opportunity to play with instruments helps babies to learn how to use their hands and fingers to make sounds. Songs like ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ also help to teach coordination and motor skills, using the same muscles they’ll end up using for writing and drawing as they get older.

Helps build language development

Hearing and engaging in songs in music class encourages babies to imitate singing by making noises to join in on the fun. The fun of participating with the group in singing entertaining songs helps them to learn howto use their vocal chords, grow their breath control and improve their facial muscle coordination.

Reinforces patterns

A major part of a babies’ life is based on pattern. The cycle of eat, sleep, diaper change, repeat is comforting to them. Helping babies to identify patterns through music and song reinforces that comfort level and encourages an interest in music. Music classes rely heavily on the use of patterns, both within the music itself and when it comes to the general routine of the class.

Teaches listening skills

Babies learn very early on how to distinguish their parents’ voice from others, and music classes help to further the ability to pick out and respond to various sounds. Spending time in class imitating animal noises, playing with instruments and singing songs helps babies learn how to distinguish between different sounds and voices.

Encourages bonding between the parents and child

Taking regular time out of your schedule to spend quality time with your baby while focusing on an activity that is fun for them is a great way to facilitate bonding between you.

Teaches balance & body awareness

Experiencing music isn’t just an audible activity, it typically also involves moving your body. Music class encourages babies to not just hear the music but also to feel it! Show them to stand up and bounce or sway to the music to help them to learn body awareness. Songs like ‘Head,Shoulders, Knees & Toes’ and ‘The Hokey Pokey’ are great songs to have them imitate your motions and work on their balance.

Music lessons help babies grow and develop

When you hear ‘music lessons’ you probably think of kids learning how to sing and play instruments, but they are also a great tool for babies! Their young brains are open to absorbing a wide variety of stimulation,and music ties together many facets of coordination and learning that will benefit them as they grow.