How do I Improve at Playing Music by “Ear”

Learning and immersing in the art of music has so many benefits for students of all ages. From learning how to read music to the benefits that music can have on one’s mood and even their education, including music in your life is a choice you definitely won’t regret. When playing music there are 2 [...]

Making the Most of Winter Time – With Music!     

This winter as days get shorter, nights get longer and the weather gets colder, you might find yourself wondering what to do with all the extra indoor time you have on your hands. While there many things that you can do this winter, there is one hobby that might have everything you are looking for: [...]

Tips to Excel Between Weekly Music Lessons           

When you make the decision to learn a new instrument, taking lessons is the best way to ensure you learn all the tricks you can. But weekly lessons aren’t enough to really master the instrument you’ve chosen… You’ll need to spend some time practicing, too! There are many tips that will help you excel between [...]

Acoustic vs Electric Guitar: Which Should I Choose?

Once you’ve decided that you want to learn how to play the guitar, it’s time to make another important decision: acoustic or electric? Though they may seem quite similar, there’s actually a few differences that could help you make your choice. You might have heard that beginners should start with an acoustic guitar because it’s [...]

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