Is Sticking with Music Lessons Hard?         

When a child first starts taking music lessons it is probably easy for them to stick with the commitment because the hobby is one that they’re excited about. However, as they progress through their weekly lessons it may become more difficult for them to keep up with all the practice time and skill development that [...]

Piano vs Keyboard Lessons – Are They the Same? 

A piano and a keyboard both have keys that play a sound when you hit them, however they are actually quite different from each other! When it comes time to book music lessons, you’ll be well served to understand the differences between each instrument to ensure that you are learning the one you’ll be most [...]

The 6 Keys to Great Music Lessons & Learning an Instrument  

When it comes to learning a new instrument it’s often not as simple as just picking up an instrument and following a YouTube video. While there are some great resources for virtual music lessons, getting direct instruction and feedback from a teacher in organized lessons is the best way to develop skills and foster a [...]

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