This winter as days get shorter, nights get longer and the weather gets colder, you might find yourself wondering what to do with all the extra indoor time you have on your hands. While there many things that you can do this winter, there is one hobby that might have everything you are looking for: music! Whether you want to learn a new instrument, dust off some almost-forgotten skills or just want to spend your time listening to some great tunes, music can provide some sweet relief from the dregs of winter.

Welcome the music this winter

There are many reasons why you’ll benefit from including music in your life this winter! From boosting moods to improving confidence, music has many positive effects on your life.

Looking for music lessons to get “out there” this winter? Want to stay home yet get personal, live music lessons? BOOM! At Capstone Music, we’ve got both. Sign up for your music lessons in-studio or onlineLocally in Burlington, online globally!

Keep yourself occupied (and happy!)

As winter kicks into gear the days will naturally become shorter and shorter. With this, it can often feel difficult to find things to do and to keep yourself entertained. Shorter days and longer hours of darkness can also lend itself to lower moods and decreased motivation, both of which can be combated by signing up for weekly lessons with tied in practice time. Music is a great “pick me up”…who didn’t hear a good jingle and just wanna dance!

Get a head start on a New Year’s resolution

Many people use a new year to help encourage them to set goals or learn something new so getting a head start with music lessons will help you start the new year off on the right foot. Think of how great it’ll feel to know you’re already well on your way to mastering a new skill, even as the clock strikes midnight!

Virtual lessons are getting popular

Thanks in part to the pandemic of 2020, virtual classes are becoming commonplace with most music schools. The ability to choose whether to take an in-person class or to take lessons with a real, live instructor will help you get comfortable on your chosen instrument and master it this winter.

Learn a new instrument

Even if you already feel proficient at one musical instrument, this winter is a great time to get to know a second one! Learning a second instrument may be just what you need to help you maintain your musical interest

Fend off seasonal depression and keep your mood up

Playing a musical instrument is a great way to give yourself something to do and keep your mood boosted during the short days of winter. Music has been shown to increase the presence of feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine, both when you play music and when you listen to it.

Improve confidence and help you relax

If you have been feeling a bit lost this year, music might be just the ticket to pull you out of that. Playing music can have a positive effect on your all-around confidence, which can in turn help improve your motivation as well. When you learn a new song, master a hard section or even just make it to class on time throughout the week, the good feelings you get will often carry over into other parts of your life.

Make new friends

Regardless of whether you take in person classes or opt for online ones, taking an interest in music can open up your world to all kinds of new friends! Group lessons are a great way to make connections with other students on the same page as you, or you can look into joining a local band, take in the local music scene at various events or join up with several different online groups on sites like Facebook.

The perfect season for music

This winter season is the perfect time to take on some group, in-person or virtual music lessons. The shorter, colder days mean you’ll likely be spending more time indoors, meaning plenty of time to take on a new hobby! Learning how to play a new instrument is a great way to stay entertained, keep your mood up and to make new friends.