It may seem like music lessons are more for kids however taking lessons and learning how to play an instrument or sing on key is a great idea as an adult, too. There are many benefits to taking music lessons when you’re an adult, too.

Music helps you to learn discipline, patience and perseverance

When learning a new skill, especially as an adult, you have to use a great amount of patience and perseverance to keep with it. New skills almost never come easy and can feel like an uphill battle at times, and learning how to play an instrument is no exception. Having patience and the will to stick with your practicing and lessons will help these attributes carry over into other areas of your life as well. The discipline to follow through with lessons, practice time and skill development will be a positive change in your day-to-day activities in no time.

They can help improve self-esteem

When you finally nail a tough song, get up on stage and perform in front of someone or hear positive feedback from your teacher, it is a major boost to your self esteem and confidence. These boosts to your confidence can definitely affect your life outside of your music as well.

You’ll have total freedom in what you play

As an adult taking music lessons, you’ll find you’ll have much more freedom than you may have had as a child. From the instrument you choose, the songs you learn and the time you spend practicing, the choices are yours! Though your music teacher is there to help you pick songs that are well suited to your skill level, you’ll have a say in the decision process.

You’ll feel younger

Learning a new cognitive skill like playing music can actually have positive effects on the brain to the point where your brain can start behaving in a more youthful way. Learning how to play music as an adult can have positive effects on age-related hearing loss, memory and levels of stress and depression.

They can improve your problem-solving skills

When faced with a difficult section in a new song your brain is forced to work through the process until it figures out the best course of action. These problem-solving skills don’t just stay within your music practice, however. When your brain starts practicing how to solve problems musically, it’s more apt to apply those same practices to other situations as well.

You can make new friends

Whether you’re interested in group lessons, planning to join or form a rock band or prefer to take your lessons one on one, learning how to play music as an adult is a great way to make friends.

Music is a great way to de-stress

If you tend to have rough days at work or would just love the chance to take a break from the stressors of day-to-day life, playing an instrument is the perfect getaway and distraction.

There’s no one to force you to practice

One of the greatest things about learning to play music an adult may actually be not having your parents tell you when it’s time to practice! While practicing is an essential part of learning your craft, it will sure feel great not having someone tell you when and for how long you have to do it.

Music can help fend of cognitive disorders

Adults who regularly play a music instrument have been shown to be less likely to develop dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease and other cognitive impairments.

It’s a great example for your kids

If you have kids, allowing them to see you take on a new skill and put in the time to practice and perfect it sets a great example for them. If your kids take lessons of their own, you’ll be able to help encourage each other to practice and improve, and you’ll also be more sympathetic to their struggles of learning a new instrument or song.

With all the benefits associated with music lessons, it’s no wonder why so many adults are taking up learning to play instruments.