We are back in the RED ZONE. However, while we are technically allowed to reopen for in-person lessons, we feel the most responsible course of action is to ask anyone who is able, to please continue to attend your lessons remotely for now.

We recognize that some students and certain instruments/modalities benefit more than others from in-person lessons. If you feel strongly about returning to in-person lessons, please get in touch via email so we can discuss the options with you and your student’s teacher. As always, we want to make sure your student is learning and enjoying their musical experience, and we’ll do everything we can to make that happen!

Our ongoing plan as we re-open is to continue to offer both options, so that your time slot will always be available to you, either remotely or in person as you are able each week.

There is a lot to love about the flexibility of remote lessons, especially during this frosty winter weather, and while masking continues to be mandated. We’ve upgraded our infrastructure to allow for high speed, high quality connections. And parents report that the dreaded ‘screen fatigue’ doesn’t seem to apply to one-on-one lessons with their kids’ trusted music teachers, where the interaction is warm and reciprocal. Students are able to maintain that all-important personal connection with their teachers, make progress with their skills, and count on the consistency of regular music lessons in their routine.

We really do miss your faces, and we can’t wait for the days when our doors can be flung wide open again to welcome you back to the studio without restrictions.

Until then, keep your chin up and keep making music!

geoff breen

Capstone Music, Owner

(Music lessons in-studio & online)
905 315 8911
14-1500 Upper Middle Road
Burlington, Ontario L7P3P5