Beyond Technique: The Importance of Musical Expression and Interpretation in Children and Teens

Music is more than just a series of notes played in the correct order; it is an expressive and emotional art form. While technical proficiency is essential, it is equally important for children and teens to understand the significance of musical expression and interpretation. This article explores why moving beyond technique and nurturing musical expression [...]

Finding Your Voice: The Benefits of Vocal Lessons for Singers of All Levels

Singing is one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling activities that a person can engage in. Whether it is in the shower, in a choir, or on a stage, singing can bring joy and entertainment to both the singer and the listener. However, many people believe that singing is a talent that you are either [...]

No, It’s Never Too Late for Adults to Learn to Play a Musical Instrument

Learning to play a musical instrument is often seen as a skill that is best acquired in childhood or early adulthood. True, but the fact is – as the saying goes – it’s never too late. For adults wanting to pick up on the dream of playing music, you’re not alone! Whether it's the piano, [...]

Top Ways to Get Kids to Practice Music (don’t say practice!)     

When your child is taking music lessons, practice time is an important part of their development. Setting aside time to work on the skills that they have learned in lessons can help students improve much faster than if they don’t spend any time practicing. But how do you get them to actually sit down and [...]

What is the Right Age to Start Music Lessons?   

With stories of child prodigies composing symphonies and performing operas occurring throughout history, it can raise the question of when you should get your child started with music lessons. While there is no perfect age to start lessons, there are some great guidelines and tips that can help parents awaken a love of music in [...]

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